February 10, 2018

Bleeding Gums? Your Dentist in Westhampton Explains Why

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 5:29 pm

young woman pink spot on gumsIt’s a typical morning for you. Your alarm rings and you hit the snooze button four or five times before you finally emerge from your bed. After gathering yourself enough to stand, you meander into your bathroom to brush your teeth and then it happens. While cleaning your ivories, you notice blood trickling down your teeth and some in the bristles of your toothbrush. Now you’re wide awake and concerned – what could be the cause of your bleeding gums? Your dentist in Westhampton says this may be an early sign of gum disease. Learn more about this condition and how to fight it, as you continue reading.

What is Gum Disease?

Gum Disease is a condition that is brought on by the accumulation of over 300 bacteria that come together to form plaque. The latter forms on your teeth and along the gum line and if not addressed, will begin to cause havoc.

There are three main phases to gum disease, listed as follows:

  • Gingivitis – The bleeding that you’ve noticed when brushing your teeth could be a sign that you have gingivitis, which is the initial phase of gum disease. It is also the only stage where the effects can be reversed, which is why it is so important to take action when you see red, puffy or swollen gums.
  • Early Gum Disease – If the initial symptoms are ignored, the disease will progress and cause permanent damage to the fibers and bone matter that hold your roots in place.
  • Advanced Gum Disease – The next step is one you definitely don’t want to allow to manifest, because it can result in the destruction of the connective bone at the roots of your teeth. This leaves them free to fall out.

How Can Gum Disease be Treated?

Thankfully, there are ways to treat gum disease in Westhampton. The protocol recommended will ultimately depend on the severity of your situation. But here are some of the options:

  • For less severe cases, your dentist may just recommend changes in your oral hygiene practices and more frequent visits for cleanings.
  • For more prominent cases of gum disease, you may need a deep cleaning process called scaling. This is where your gums are pulled back and the pockets between them and your teeth cleaned. In addition, your dentist will clean and smooth out any rough spots on the roots of your ivories.
  • More invasive measures than the above may be used in special cases. Your dentist will discuss them with you.

One of the best ways to prevent gum disease from manifesting as a nemesis is to maintain regular visits with your dentist for cleanings and checkups. Thus, any problems that are developing can be addressed early and you’ll be left with a clean and beautiful set of teeth.

To schedule your first appointment, just reach out to Westhampton professional today!

About the Author

A native of Mt. Holly, Dr. Bill Greenberg earned his Doctor of Dental Surgery degree from Tufts University. He then went on to complete a general dentistry residency at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston. Experienced in a multitude of dental services, he practices at Mt. Holly Family Dentistry and can be reached for more information through his website.

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