October 12, 2023

How to Care for Your Dentures

Filed under: Uncategorized — dr_greenberg @ 1:34 am
person caring for dentures

If you have multiple missing teeth or an entire dental arch to replace, dentures might be the ideal solution for you. With an average lifespan of five to 10 years, dentures are a widely chosen option for tooth replacement. However, ensuring their longevity requires proper care. Here are four useful tips on maintaining and cleaning your dentures to help extend their lifespan.

#1. Brush Your Dentures Daily

Similar to caring for natural teeth, dentures require daily brushing to remove bacteria, plaque, and food debris. Using a soft-bristled toothbrush and non-abrasive toothpaste every evening is crucial for effectively cleaning your dentures. This routine is essential not only for maintaining the appearance of your dentures but also for preventing potential oral health issues.

#2. Soak Your Dentures Overnight

Provide your gums with a restful break by removing your dentures at night. Before bedtime, place them in a glass of fresh water or a denture cleaning solution to maintain their shape and eliminate any lingering bacteria. In the morning, ensure to rinse your dentures thoroughly before wearing them again, preventing any cleaning solution from coming into contact with your mouth and irritating the tissues.

#3. Handle Your Dentures with Care

Extend the lifespan of your dentures by handling them with utmost care to avoid cracks, breaks, and other forms of damage. Replacement dentures often require several weeks to obtain, underscoring the importance of protecting them.

When cleaning your dentures, do so over a sink filled with water or a soft, clean, folded towel to provide a cushion in case they slip from your grasp. Furthermore, consider using a dedicated caring case or wrapping them in a soft towel when transporting your dentures to shield them from potential harm. This approach will help maintain the integrity of your dentures and minimize the risk of damage.

#4. Schedule Regular Dental Checkups

Regular dental check-ups are crucial for maintaining the health and longevity of your dentures, whether you have some natural teeth remaining or are fully edentulous. These routine appointments allow you to address any concerns or issues with your dentures, providing your dentist with the opportunity to examine them and make necessary adjustments.

Additionally, these check-ups involve a comprehensive assessment of your oral health, including the condition of your gums, jaw, and other facial and neck structures. This thorough examination helps identify and address any potential oral health issues before they escalate.

To maintain the optimal appearance of your new smile, adhere to these four essential tips. Handle your dentures with care, attend regular dental appointments, practice diligent oral hygiene, and you’ll be able to cherish your radiant grin for a decade or even longer!

About the Practice

Mt. Holly Family Dentistry prioritizes preventive dental services to ensure the health and protection of your teeth. Their dedicated team delivers compassionate care with a focus on your dental well-being. Offering various tooth replacement options, they provide expert guidance on denture care, ensuring you can preserve a radiant and captivating smile for many years. To schedule an appointment or inquire about proper denture maintenance, reach out to Mt. Holly Family Dentistry at (609) 267-3230 or visit their website.

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